In Hawaii, ‘imi ola means to seek life in its highest form. Throughout my journey of seeking the highest, I chose mentors along the way. As a college student studying in Provo, Utah, I realized that I was incredibly lonely. I didn’t have very many friends, I didn’t have a car, and I didn’t have much money. I had a small vision of what I wanted my life to look like, but I didn’t know how to get there. I knew I needed help, or at least some source of support. I needed someone I could talk to that would give me honest feedback but not belittle me.

To fill my need of help, support, and wisdom, I sought a mentor. I chose one of my BYU professors. With his gentle counsel and wise words, I began to better navigate my journey of school, spirituality, and career. What did I really want to do? Who did I really want to be? He was a published author, popular in the world and popular at the college. He had lived in Hawaii for years, and his ability to relate to my feelings helped me at a time I felt nobody understood. I wanted to be a writer, like him, and his example inspired me to pursue my passions and use God’s help in my life. 

Each time I stopped by his room, especially at times when I felt very down, I always left uplifted and edified. He never said anything contrary to the truth, and he had a sense of humor that made me feel better. He was a very spiritual person and helped me keep an eternal perspective. 

Having a mentor helped direct me to the path I’ve taken now. I’ve selected a few mentors for the different facets of my life. I have a mentor for my blog, my life decisions, and my spirituality. Robert D. Hales has said, “If you want more than you now have, reach up, not across!” In another article I will share how to pick a mentor, but for now it’s important to know why you should have a mentor. From my experience with mentors, here are the 6 key reasons to have a mentor. 

1. You need someone who has taken the path you are taking 

No matter how much experience you have in life, sometimes you just need someone who knows how to get where you want to go. Whether you are trying to become someone more spiritual or pursuing a career path, a mentor can help you get there. As I said before, I have mentors to help me improve and get my blog to where I want it to be. I have mentor whom I admire deeply for her spiritual resilience and deep wisdom. They’ve given me information and perspective that helped me reach my goals faster and more efficiently. 

2. You need someone who will listen 

A mentor listens to everything you have to say. When I talk with my mentors, it feels like I’m blabbing my head off because I know they truly care. Mentors don’t think about what they’re going to say as you speak. They listen and give counsel, answer questions, or offer help if you ask for it. Mentors never impose, they only give the strength and direction when asked. 

3. You need a support system

When you feel like giving up, a mentor will be there to encourage, uplift, and edify. 

4. You need someone with maturity 

Emotions can get in the way of maturity. When someone becomes mixed in emotions, they tend to lean towards immaturity. They tend to be unreasonable. A mentor can help you get through the fog of emotions and face your challenges with maturity. 

5. You need someone with perspective 

The greatest blessing of my mentors has been the perspective they’ve given me. When they share life experiences, especially those that involve handling stress, overcoming challenges, and strengthening relationships, they have shown me what it took for them to become who they are now. It wasn’t easy, as nothing worth it ever is, but the rich rewards that come from strength of character, honesty, and compassion are treasures no thing can ever replace. 

6. You need someone who can give sound advice 

My mentors have given me some of the greatest advice I’ve had in life. From counsel on marriage, spirituality, strength of character, and choosing a career, the words and genuine care I’ve received from my mentors continue to inspire me. 

If you want help, inspiration, and direction in your life, then look for a mentor. Find someone who can help you along your journey. And remember, always “reach up, not across.”



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