Looking for some inspirational quotes for when you’re down? Whether you face winter blues, a creative lag, an episode of depression, or simply need something to give you a little boost, here are 5 inspirational quotes for you!

A wonderful aloha value that goes with this is ha’aha’a, humility. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the things we’re doing. We sometimes place our value in what we create, complete, or succeed at… but we lose ourselves when we do that. Let’s not take ourselves too seriously, laugh at mistakes, enjoy life, and be grateful!

Sometimes sadness comes on because we have high expectations. When expectations aren’t met we face disappointment. This is a principle I’ve had to teach myself, because when I place expectations on others, myself, or certain situations, I get upset when things don’t go as planned. Instead of trying to force our agenda and will on things out of our control, let’s just appreciate the moment. Appreciate being present, being here.

We would never wish hardships or trials on others, and often times we wish we didn’t have to go through the challenges we’ve been given. But with an eternal perspective, we can see that challenges don’t define us, but they can refine us.

Values like ho’ohana, ho’omau, and ‘ike loa, teach us to be happy where we are. We don’t have to wait for the perfect circumstances or even start in the same place as others. We can create paradise where we are, as my debut novel, “Aloha State of Mind,” talks about!

Sometimes we get into bad moods because we aren’t actively seeking something. Are we looking to have more peace, more hope, or joy? What will we do to get there? With the value of ‘ike loa, we can “see much.” And with the value of imi ‘ola, we can seek the highest and best in life, helping us find answers to our questions and needs.
Prayer is also a beautiful way to “seek” and find, as this quote comes from a popular scripture. When we connect with God, we can feel loved and worthy. ❤︎
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