When you are depressed, it can feel as though life has lost all purpose. You may wonder, “what is the point?” Or you may just feel completely hopeless. Depression does a great job of confusing the mind and making simple concepts and ideas–or even simple scenarios in your life–feel like complex and complicated experiences.

The following sentences can help ground you in these moments when you are depressed. These simple statements can remind you of your purpose, your value, and your life.

Reading these sentences aloud or in your head can give you the refocus and refresh you need to rise above the depression.

God loves me. 

I love myself. 

I have great worth. 

I have a story and experience to contribute to this world. 

I have passions. 

I have gifts and talents. 

I am motivated. 

I have the power to let things go

I have control over myself. 

I am stronger than my mental illness. 

I am stronger than the wrongs that have been done to me. 

I am stronger than my challenges. 

I can choose my path. 

I can enjoy my journey. 

I am grateful for where I am right now. 

I am grateful for the things I have. 

I choose life. 

I will allow myself to feel happiness. 

I will allow myself to grieve. 

I will allow myself to enjoy my life, not just endure. 

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When You Are Depressed What To Do

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