Start Showing Up In Life

Do you feel like you’re in a slump of life, where things are going OK, but they’re not GREAT? You might not feel very fulfilled or satisfied, even if you’re doing good things. It’s like going through the motions. Maybe you’re a college student doing well in classes but feel empty, a working woman with a successful career but who feels unfulfilled, or a stay-at-home mom that feels discontent with certain aspects of life. It’s hard to know what to do or to pinpoint what exactly might be wrong.

These are the times to intentionally show up in life. 

Ask yourself: Do I want to get out of the emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental slump I’m in? Do I want to get more out of life? Do I want to be happier and find pleasure and satisfaction in the good things I’m already doing? 

There’s a way out of these feelings of boredom, of dissatisfaction, and/or of the slump we all get into. To live with more joy and satisfaction, you will find that showing up in life is the answer. Those who show up in life are mindful, present, observant, and motivated. The following guidelines will help you show up in life and become your best, present, unique YOU. 

Be creative 

I love the word “creative” because we are all creators. In fact, I truly believe in this cliche but timeless statement: 

You are the creator of your destiny.  Click To Tweet

I believe we create what we become. If you want to be an author, a broadway actor, or a CEO, you have the power to create your future. If you want to be more kind, patient, or loyal, you have the power to create you. 

As an example, when I had depression, all I wanted was to be happy. I literally just wanted to feel joy and satisfaction for the things I did—because I did many good things for other people and myself. So I created solutions to my problems. Whenever depression crept up with some new tactic to tear me down, I created a solution (which later helped me to write this Ebook about overcoming depression naturally)

I didn’t have all the answers—nor did the internet or people—because every person has different circumstances. But I did have creativity, and so do you. So if you want to become an author, an astronaut, or something in between but have no formal experience, YOU are the only thing in your way if you never start somewhere. Make your dreams happen by creating opportunities from obstacles, growth from failure, and joy from experience. 

Rekindle your Passion

If something that once interested and fascinated you got put on the back burner of your mind, it’s time to bring that to the front and rekindle it. If you can’t remember what gets the fire burning in your soul, check out these questions to find and create you. 

By rekindling your passions, you will find a zest for life that you didn’t have before. Doing something you love—whether it’s playing the piano, exercising, or creating something—will foster creativity and feed your soul.


Set goals 

If you’ve never tried goal-setting, showing up in life means it’s time to start right now. What are some things you always wanted to do but never had the time or resources? Create opportunities to do these things by setting goals and making plans. If you’re having trouble reaching these goals, think SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. 

Create reasons for joy 

Sometimes we get into this funk where nothing makes us happy. When I get sick or nauseous and have no appetite, I feel SO bummed out. Food is one of my little happy places and if I can’t enjoy food, then what can I enjoy? Whether you’re just burnt out from something, or if you feel like the happiness has been sucked out from a regular activity (like playing with the kids, spending time with your spouse, eating, sleeping, etc), create reasons for joy. 

With my example of feeling sick from food, I look at the things I’m grateful for. I’m grateful for my body, I’m grateful for the times I feel well and can eat food. I create reasons to have joy even if I don’t feel well enough to eat. 

I also distract myself from things I can’t do by doing the things I can. With this food example, I’ll usually just write, talk to my husband, or just rest my stomach so I can feel better. This helps me have joy even if I’m not feeling the best. 

Express gratitude 

Sometimes life just feels heavy. Whether you’re watching the kids at home or studying for a test, you might feel a little empty inside without any reason. You could have all the things you need: a home, faith in God, food, loved ones… but you just don’t feel right inside. 

In moments like these, the best thing to do is express gratitude. Whether you specifically tell someone thank you for something they’re doing, say a prayer to mahalo ke Akua, or write a gratitude list, showing appreciation brings a renewal of light to your soul. 

You can express gratitude for even the littlest things, like running water and electricity, a healthy body, clothes, food, snuggles, or certain smells… the list could go on. I wrote tons of lists, especially during depression. These lists helped me see things in a bigger perspective and recognize that I have so many blessings in my life. They also helped me reflect on times I didn’t have the little things, and how merciful and mindful God has been in my life. Once I learned how to appreciate the smallest things in my life, each day became a day of Thanksgiving, a celebration of life, beauty, and faith—even on the hardest days. 

Be present 

The words “show up” usually apply to attending parties and get togethers. I hate it when people say things like, “You showed up!” in general because it’s always been difficult for me to attend big gatherings—and I know I’m not the only one with that problem. I have surprised myself when I “showed up” to big parties, reunions, or events. As an introvert and empath, talking to and being surrounded by lots of people exhausts me.

Despite having difficulties with big groups, I’ve found that I’ve made the most of my time at big gatherings by being present. Instead of sitting on my phone and scrolling through messages I’ve already seen, or staring out the window, or finding a place of quiet (although these are all good strategies to use if you need to), I was pleasantly surprised to make great memories by interacting with others and even meeting new people. 

The same principle applies to our own lives. To show up in life means being present. Instead of spending tons of time scrolling through social media or messages, or mindlessly listening to music or watching too much entertainment, what if you spent more time being there for others? Or being there for yourself? How have you fed your soul? 

I read a church talk recently where the speaker said that in life we have “opportunity costs,” meaning that we can be doing things that are good (social media and other forms of entertainment can definitely be good), but we could be doing things that are better. By spending time on mindless activities, we sacrifice the opportunity to do other things. Our temporary pleasure costs us present and future opportunities. 

So instead of mindlessly going about the day, I hope you can eliminate opportunity costs and be present in your life. Make more memories with your loved ones, create the things you love, and learn more skills to bless your life and the lives of others. 

A final word 

To show up in life really brought vibrancy, love, and light into my life. When I intentionally lived my life by being a creator, rekindling passions, setting goals, expressing appreciation, and being present, I experienced daily joy and power I had not previously experienced. My capacity to serve expanded, my desire to do good increased, and I grew in so many ways (spiritually, mentally, and emotionally). I found more faith in God and appreciation for his blessings. In short, my life became fuller. Whenever I look back at the old me in a slump, I’m so grateful that I decided to show up in life. I hope you can feel that too! 

I’d love to hear from you! Write in the comments below: what is one thing that has helped you show up in your life? 



How to show up in your life
Start Showing Up In Life