Do you want to learn some Hawaiian introductory phrases, like “my name is” or “how are you?” This list will get you started on the journey to learning simple Hawaiian. While you don’t have to learn the Hawaiian language to be able to communicate on the islands, it is helpful to know a few of the most common Hawaiian introductory phrases, especially for introductions. Let’s dive in!
Hello, goodbye, I love you.
Pehea ‘oe?
How are you?
‘O wai kou inoa?
What is your name?
‘O ____(name) ko’u inoa.
My name is ____.
Nohea mai ‘oe?
Where are you from?
No ____ au.
I am from ____
‘Ehia ou makahiki?
How old are you?
He ___ (number) au makahiki.
I am ___ years old.
Pololi ‘oe?
Are you hungry?
Makemake ‘oe i ka ___ (activity)?
Do you like to ____?
E kala mai!
Excuse me, forgive me, I’m sorry.
A hui hou.
Iesu pu.
Jesus be with you.
Akua pu.
God be with you.
I hope this list helps you as you introduce yourself to someone who speaks fluent Hawaiian. It’s always good to practice the words aloud. If you want to know what kind of resource are out there to learn the Hawaiian language, I suggest checking out my article below:
Resources to learn the Hawaiian Language
If you are interested in reading books set in ancient Hawaiian culture and islands, check out my books on Amazon or at other stores here.
The more you practice Hawaiian, the easier it is to recognize and differentiate words. Historians have said that the Hawaiian language often sounds and looks like a lot of vowel sounds. I encourage you to listen to music in the Hawaiian language, chants, or even audiobooks because it will help you make out distinct words and phrases. There are plenty of options out there for you to learn, listen, and read Hawaiian.
Mahalo for learning some introductory Hawaiian phrases with me. I hope you will also check out the following articles about Hawaiian words:
Did I miss any?
Do you know some introductory Hawaiian phrases? Let us know in the comments below. Mahalo! 🙂