Mana is the Hawaiian word for “energy and life source.” Everything has mana in it. In Western culture, mana compares with “vibe” or “spirit.” We gain mana by following and choosing light. We lose mana by allowing any form of darkness into our lives.
To help us understand this a little deeper, we can see how people and places have powerfully positive or negative energy. For example, King Kamehameha the Great is someone with strong mana because he led armies to conquer and unify all the Hawaiian islands. His influence and power invoked strong mana, the kind of dark energy that stirs crippling fear amongst those around him. His character is recognized to this day–both for good and bad.
Some people have strong mana in a positive way. We all know those people who light up the room when they walk in. People are naturally attracted to them because of the light in their eyes, the purity in their countenance, and the aloha we feel from their hearts connecting with our own. That is positive mana.
More examples
Specific locations can also carry strong energy, such as the Kilauea volcano or the top of Mauna Kea on the Big Island. Old legends tell of a white god visiting the people on Mauna Kea, and the spiritual experiences the people had, making it a sacred place. Particular forests and waterfalls in Hawaii carry special mana because of the nature and memories within them.
Some places have dark mana, like the Pali on O’ahu, due to the battle of Nu’uanu that took place on its cliff edge. When King Kamehameha the Great pursued the unification of the islands, he met great opposition on O’ahu. A bloody battle took place at the Pali, where almost a thousand men were pushed to the edge of the cliff, falling to their deaths.
I believe we can choose our mana by purposefully improving and becoming our best selves, and always choosing light and peace. We would do well to often check in on our mana, the spirit housed in our bodies, the invisible life within. What energy are we giving off? Do we have good or bad mana?
Avoid Bad Mana
When we choose maluhia (peace), we choose to avoid bad mana. It’s probably superstitious or old fashioned to believe in mana. Every time I bring up mana, people look at me like I’m crazy. And the reason is that mana isn’t seen, it’s felt.
With the value of ho’okipa, we learned that our homes contain the kind of mana that we allow into it. If we watch dark shows, movies, and entertainment, we open a door to let that energy into our homes. If we use bad language, waste time (especially since time is a gift), and constantly stress, that energy fills our homes.
Likewise, our bodies and spirits contain the kind of mana we allow into it. If we choose dark entertainment, make poor choices, and allow high emotions to rule our lives, our mana turns bad. But if we control ourselves, take responsibility, and entertain wholesome activities, our mana burns brightly, attracting and lifting all those around us.
We should actively seek good energy and avoid bad mana. For example, we can ask ourselves questions like:
What situations or people make me feel bad about myself?
After interacting with my friends, do I feel uplifted or bogged down?
How often do I leave a movie or location because of the bad energy surrounding it?
Are my daily activities adding darkness or light to my life?
I hope we frequently turn away from the things that bring darkness into our lives. As we learned with pono and kupa’a, even if we stand alone in our decisions, it’s better to have light than darkness.
Everything we do determines who we are
I’m a firm believer that everything we’ve ever heard, watched, felt, or done has a huge impact on who we are today. We can’t always avoid the evils of the world, but we can choose how we react to them, as we learned with kuleana.
For example, if we hear something inappropriate or degrading, how do we react? Do we let our thoughts linger on it, allowing it to creep into who we are?
Are we mindful of the things being done or said around us, and how they impact us?
Do we remember maluhia, peace, and who we really want to be?
If we want to have good vibes, we need to let the good things into our life. Serving, praying, learning, and gaining knowledge are all ways to invite good vibes. Spending time with uplifting people, having meaningful conversations, and choosing calm instead of anger–all of these things bring aloha. Being a light, loving others without conditions, and withholding judgment also invite the spirit of maluhia into our lives.

If we want to have good vibes, we need to let the good things into our life. Treasuring God’s word, serving, and praying are all ways to invite good energy. Being a light, loving others without conditions, and withholding judgment also invite the spirit of goodness and aloha into our lives.
I hope you’ll work to have good vibes. When you go to Hawaii or anywhere in nature, good mana is like kharma—it always comes back to you. 😉
✨ With joy & aloha,
P.S. If you’re looking for a social media place with good vibes, I’d love for you to follow on instagram or Pinterest. I share positive and Hawaii-related content in these spaces! 🌺
What do you think of mana?
In the comments below, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this concept. Do you believe in it or is it a little too much for you? 😉
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Aloha Peg!
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Beautiful message. Thank you!