Avoid Holiday Stress

The holidays should be a time of gratitude, reflection, and light… but for most of us it can also be a time of extreme holiday stress, especially because of all the expectations: gift giving, hosting parties, going to parties, giving treats to the neighbors, getting together with family, etc… It can feel pretty horrible when there’s family drama going on too (trust me, I’ve been there and get it). 

While there’s the rush and bustle in the stores, and the unmerciful marketing strategies telling you to “buy this” or “buy that,” the simplicity of the holidays disappear—even a homemade gift makes you feel like a failure. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You CAN avoid the holiday stress and actually enjoy the season! When you take good care of yourself, you’re better able to help others—and enjoy it too! Christmas doesn’t have to be a burden. With some planning and simple strategies, you can avoid the holiday stress this year! 

1. Remember the reason for the season 

When you really pause and remember WHO we are celebrating at Christmas time, it can change your whole perspective. As you admire and reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ, you can add so much light to your life. The hustle and bustle, the pressure, and the stress all become silent when you focus on Christ. 

2. Limit social time 

If you tend to feel drained after being around people, it’s a good idea to limit your social time. The holidays are full of parties and get-togethers. Give yourself permission to NOT have to attend each one, and only do what you can handle. 

3. Use a planner 

Instead of trying to remember everything, use a planner to organize your life and thoughts. I created the Holiday Self Care Planner to stay organized, keep up my routines, and just take care of myself, especially during the cold of the winter. You can use this planner or others to alleviate the stress and free up your mind. 

4. Snuggle up with a loved one

Take a breather and snuggle up with your spouse, a furry friend, or your boyfriend/girlfriend. Just being close to another living soul brings perspective, peace, and even joy back into you. 

5. Prioritize your time 

Ask yourself, what do I REALLY want to get done? It’s so easy to get distracted from the things that matter most. Instead of rushing all over the place to buy gifts or food, ask yourself what you really want this Christmas, then intentionally follow through with your answers. 

6. Serve more 

When we lift the burdens of others, our own burdens are lifted too. Serving doesn’t have to be something huge, although volunteering and donating are wonderful ways to give. Service can be as simple as visiting a friend, texting a loved one, smiling, or showing gratitude. 

7. Forgive others 

Family and friends can get on your nerves during the holidays. Well, nobody is perfect so this holiday season try to intentionally forgive others. If someone says something rude, ungrateful, or sarcastic, make an intentional choice to forgive them. 

8. Be grateful 

This is such a simple tip, but taking a moment to thank someone sincerely (even strangers like cashiers at the stores, etc), writing a gratitude list, or saying a prayer of gratitude will fill your heart with joy. 

9. Treat yourself 

It’s so easy to let self-care slip during the holiday season. Healthy eating disappears, routines go out the window, and basic self care just doesn’t happen. Be intentional with taking care of yourself during the holidays. Winter blues and holiday stress can hugely impact your mental and physical health. Try a 30-day Self Care Challenge or put the Simple Self Care Checklist somewhere you can see it. 

10. Write lists 

I’ve always been a fan of lists. When you write lists, you are able to organize your thoughts better. I used to write a lot of “Control” lists because my life felt so out of control. Other list ideas are fears, wants, needs, gratitude, etc. To clear your mind, write lists on your phone, a napkin, just about anything you can write with. 

11. Find beauty

If you’re too busy, the beauty of the winter season can slip right by. Find beauty in the lights, the snow, and the decorations. I’ve never been a great Christmas decorator so I appreciate the efforts of others with their lights and themed decorations. I also really appreciate the beauty and magic of fresh snow. 

12. Be patient 

Know that the holiday/winter season is just that… it’s a season. It passes. There’s a quote that says life is meant to be enjoyed, not just endured. However, if there are some moments that you need to just “endure,” give yourself grace and love in these times. 

13. Don’t compare yourself with others 

When you’re looking at social media, the marketing at stores, or even your neighbors, you might start to compare your holiday season with theirs. Know that your Christmas/holiday season and experience is unique to you and that your life and timeline is completely different. Also remember that instead of feeling jealousy, you can intentionally choose to feel happy for others. Sure, you’re not where they are, but know that your journeys are different. 

14. Keep it simple 

I don’t know about you, but it stresses me out majorly when things get complicated. You don’t have to attend every social gathering, do all the traditions, or spend tons of money. I’ve found that the simpler you keep things, the traditions, gifts, and season become much more meaningful. 

15. Budget 

Budgeting is super underrated (and sometimes not even done!) during the holidays, and people end up spending way too much money at Christmas time. With the pressure, the hustle, and the merciless marketing, it’s easy to feel like you owe everyone something. Even if you buy little things for everyone, it definitely adds up. Limit the holiday stress by setting a budget and keeping your commitments to that budget. 


I hope you can find more peace and less stress this holiday season by applying at least one or some of these tips. Joy isn’t something that is beyond your reach, even in the cold, the busy-ness, and the hustle of the holidays. As you take a deep breath, refocus, and center yourself on the real reason for the season, your capacity to love and serve increases, and you can create paradise right where you are. 

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and joyful new year!


15 ways to avoid stress