Pronounced “Ho – o – mana- va – nu – “, this long but beautiful Hawaiian word means patience, long-suffering, and endurance. Have you ever met someone who is going through a trial—maybe a toxic relationship or care taking or even babysitting—who endures well? They receive verbal or emotional attacks, or they might be overwhelmed or fatigued in some way, but despite their challenges, they have the strength of character to be gracious, courageous, and humble? 

This is ho’omanawanui. Those who live ho’omanawanui endure their trials well, knowing that they have control over their own emotions. They consciously choose how to act, instead of reacting to the situation. 

This is a powerful skill to possess, especially in times of confrontation or pressure. Ho’omanawanui comes from deep within, prompting a person to choose calmness and control as opposed to chaos and anger. They persevere through their trials and challenges—even cheerfully—knowing that they will pass. They can look back with pride at their resilience and their kindness, all fruits of their patience. 

Patience is not just a virtue, it is a choice: a choice of how to treat others and self, and a choice of acting instead of re-acting. 


Ho’omanawanui Challenge 

This week, write down the things that bug you. These can be big things or small things. Write WHY these things annoy or frustrate you, then write HOW you will act when faced with these irritations. Visualization is a powerful tool to overcoming bad habits and strengthening character. 

Share Your Story 

Every person has a unique story, and we’d love to hear yours! How have you felt while doing this challenge? Was there anything that was challenging to you? Was there anything that truly inspired you? Be sure to share in our Wellness Hawaiian Style Facebook group or use the hashtag #HIVibe! Replying and commenting on others is also another wonderful way to keep the vibe HI! 



P.S. Want to learn more? Sign up for my 5 Hawaiian Days to Wellness Mini Course and begin your journey towards wellness, Hawaiian style!

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