Mahalo is more than just being grateful for something. It is an attitude of gratitude. I’ve come to learn that some of the happiest people I know are the most grateful people. They seem to see the situation differently: It’s raining outside? What a blessing to the earth! Someone is bullying? They probably have a lot going on in their life. 

Those who have an attitude of gratitude, who live mahalo, know that this life is temporary. Things happen. People make mistakes, plans don’t always happen the way they’re supposed to, and life is full of ups and downs. Those who live mahalo express gratitude in the hardest of times and the happiest of times. They are grateful for their challenges, knowing that they will become stronger. 

Our life experience is a lot like people who walk through an art gallery. Some people look at the artwork close up, scrutinizing the texture or pointing out flaws. Some people totally miss certain pieces of art, walking past to the next canvas in hopes of something that will catch their attention. But those who live mahalo see and experience every picture. Even when some parts of the picture are dimmed out, they find another aspect of the picture to appreciate. They recognize that some paintings have flaws, but they appreciate those flaws as a part of the whole painting and they shouldn’t be ignored. They take their time on each painting, viewing the bigger picture. 

The Mahalo Challenge 

  1. For every day this week, write in your journal at least one thing you were grateful for that day. Check out my Mahalo ke Akua journal here!
  2. Take a moment to be still. Ask yourself, When was the last time I truly appreciated someone? Perhaps it was earlier that day. Maybe it was a week or month ago. Each person expresses appreciation in different ways. Some people write and deliver notes, some people opt to texting or talking over the phone. Some people just never show their gratitude. Evaluate where you are and write down one goal of something you can change to show more gratitude. 

Record Your Journey 

I truly believe that if you ponder, notice, and record the things you’re grateful for, it will help you see even more blessings and miracles in your daily life. It will also become a habit, and a habit of gratitude is a great way to improve our character and confidence.

I created a Mahalo Ke Akua gratitude journal, a journal to help you record things you’re grateful for daily. Record in the morning, evening, before or after prayers, or whenever you want! This is your gratitude journey. 🙂

mahalo ke akua gratitude journal

Get the Mahalo ke Akua Gratitude Journal here!

Much love, 


Extra: My Story 

Mahalo has been one of my greatest lifesavers. If it weren’t for an attitude of gratitude, I sometimes wonder if I’d even be here today. When I moved to Utah for two years to obtain a teaching license, I struggled to make friends. I was so different from other people, and the constant questions about why I left Hawaii made me feel very lonely. I felt like people didn’t want me there, but I knew I had to keep going because I wanted to be successful. But, more than that, I just wanted to be happy

My efforts to be happy started within myself. I kept a daily journal, in which I poured out all my emotions and frustrations. I shared my raw feelings, but before I closed up my laptop, I always made sure to express gratitude, especially to God. 

Mahalo ke Akua, I always wrote. Thanks be to God that I have a place to stay, food to eat, a job, and that I’m getting by just fine. My life has been filled with so much joy because of this attitude. I know that I can’t get on without Him, and I know that all of my blessings are the tender gifts of a loving Heavenly Father.

Mahalo ke Akua. I hope you can find that attitude of gratitude and allow it to change your life too! Can’t wait to hear more of how you’re doing with the challenge so be sure to share your thoughts in the Facebook group! 



P.S. Want to learn more? Sign up for my 5 Hawaiian Days to Wellness Mini Course and begin your journey towards wellness, Hawaiian style!

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