‘Imi ola literally means “seek, hunt, or search the highest, wellbeing, and life,” but the broader application is to seek the highest in life. Each person is constantly learning but the key with ‘imi ola is to actively search out and choose the best things in life.

Those who live ‘imi ola know how to balance knowledge with wisdom. They have personal beliefs and convictions, which they allow to guide their lives. They view every interaction with others as an opportunity to learn and grow. 

Seeking ‘imi ola is a continual process of seeking the highest, such as a higher way of thinking, of doing tasks, or of learning. Though some tasks may feel like an impossible mountain to climb, remember that every step taken brings you closer and closer to your goal.  

Those who live ‘imi ola also know that learning is easier when there is someone to guide the way. They find mentors who challenge, encourage, and support them in their endeavors. 

The ‘Imi Ola Challenge 

Is there a skill or talent that you’ve always wanted to learn but never had the chance, the time, or even the finances? With the internet, you can learn anything nowadays, from playing the piano, learning a new language, or trying a new recipe. 

The first part of the challenge encourages you to find something new that will expand your knowledge or find something that you already love and make a goal to improve in it. 

The second part of the ‘Imi Ola challenge is to find a mentor. This mentor can be someone to guide you along your spiritual or emotional journey, or someone to teach you a new skill or trade.

Share Your Story 

Every person has a unique story, and we’d love to hear yours! How have you felt while doing this challenge? Was there anything that was challenging to you? Was there anything that truly inspired you? Be sure to share in our Hawaii Vibe Tribe Facebook group or use the hashtag #HIVibe on your social media! Replying and commenting on others is also another wonderful way to keep the vibe HI! 

Much love, 


P.S. Want to learn more? Sign up for my 5 Hawaiian Days to Wellness Mini Course and begin your journey towards wellness, Hawaiian style!

Share the aloha!